Length of show, interval and voting procedure

Year City Duration of show Duration of songs Duration of interval Duration of voting Begin first song End last song Begin first voting End last voting
2023 Liverpool 04:13:21 01:56:45 00:51:46 00:52:28 00:20:14 02:16:59 03:08:45 04:01:13
2022 Turin 04:10:35 01:57:35 00:48:14 00:58:36 00:16:35 02:14:10 03:02:24 04:01:00
2021 Rotterdam 03:55:47 01:51:29 00:53:57 00:51:37 00:09:53 02:01:22 02:55:19 03:46:56
2019 Tel Aviv 04:10:23 01:51:07 01:04:10 00:49:44 00:15:34 02:06:41 03:10:51 04:00:35
2018 Lisbon 03:48:31 01:52:02 00:45:17 00:46:01 00:16:33 02:08:35 02:53:52 03:39:53
2017 Kyiv 03:44:07 01:54:07 00:41:32 00:47:08 00:12:00 02:06:07 02:47:39 03:34:47
2016 Stockholm 03:46:05 01:46:39 00:52:06 00:46:05 00:12:37 01:59:16 02:51:22 03:37:27
2015 Vienna 03:58:45 01:51:31 00:41:03 00:54:51 00:21:23 02:12:54 02:53:57 03:48:48
2014 Copenhagen 03:34:52 01:45:19 00:44:42 00:41:46 00:14:00 01:59:19 02:44:01 03:25:47
2013 Malmö 03:29:35 01:47:28 00:37:40 00:45:04 00:14:02 02:01:30 02:39:10 03:24:14
2012 Baku 03:23:46 01:46:24 00:30:29 00:47:11 00:12:12 01:58:36 02:29:05 03:16:16
2011 Düsseldorf 03:27:58 01:42:16 00:32:15 00:52:30 00:13:38 01:55:54 02:28:09 03:20:39
2010 Oslo 03:20:13 01:44:15 00:30:39 00:45:34 00:10:02 01:54:17 02:24:56 03:10:30
2009 Moscow 03:15:35 01:37:34 00:27:37 00:49:34 00:12:42 01:50:16 02:17:53 03:07:27
2008 Belgrade 03:16:20 01:40:00 00:31:11 00:46:27 00:09:07 01:49:07 02:20:18 03:06:45
2007 Helsinki 03:12:17 01:35:32 00:31:57 00:46:16 00:08:16 01:43:48 02:15:45 03:02:01
2006 Athen 03:02:47 01:34:54 00:25:07 00:44:59 00:11:01 01:45:55 02:11:02 02:56:01
2005 Kiev 03:25:35 01:35:43 00:24:17 01:07:34 00:09:12 01:44:55 02:09:12 03:16:46
2004 Istanbul 03:14:59 01:33:48 00:20:40 01:00:17 00:10:09 01:43:57 02:04:37 03:04:54
2003 Riga 03:09:40 01:39:20 00:19:34 00:53:02 00:09:27 01:48:47 02:08:21 03:01:23
2002 Tallin 02:59:44 01:39:51 00:18:30 00:47:48 00:05:58 01:45:49 02:04:19 02:52:07
2001 Copenhagen 02:59:09 01:33:30 00:19:48 00:50:48 00:07:21 01:40:51 02:00:39 02:51:27
2000 Stockholm 03:02:19 01:40:52 00:18:56 00:46:07 00:08:11 01:49:03 02:07:59 02:54:06
1999 Jerusalem 03:13:28 01:43:28 00:18:35 00:45:15 00:15:31 01:58:59 02:17:34 03:02:49
1998 Birmingham 02:58:53 01:41:28 00:15:50 00:43:25 00:10:57 01:52:25 02:08:15 02:51:40
1997 Dublin 03:10:04 01:54:44 00:16:57 00:43:28 00:07:49 02:02:33 02:19:30 03:02:58
1996 Oslo 03:07:08 01:44:48 00:16:07 00:43:04 00:12:59 01:57:47 02:13:54 02:56:58
1995 Dublin 02:50:50 01:40:41 00:12:26 00:37:01 00:12:39 01:53:20 02:05:46 02:42:47
1994 Dublin 03:02:33 01:52:24 00:11:00 00:43:27 00:07:29 01:59:53 02:10:53 02:54:20
1993 Millstreet 03:01:06 01:45:50 00:10:12 00:43:17 00:10:08 01:55:58 02:06:10 02:49:27
1992 Malmö 03:08:59 01:48:29 00:12:57 00:41:10 00:16:59 02:05:28 02:18:25 02:59:35
1991 Rome 03:12:43 01:45:13 00:12:39 00:47:55 00:15:38 02:00:51 02:13:30 03:01:25
1990 Zagreb 02:47:46 01:35:04 00:12:48 00:39:07 00:11:37 01:46:41 01:59:29 02:38:36
1989 Lausanne 03:09:59 01:47:42 00:16:15 00:37:43 00:20:17 02:07:59 02:24:14 03:01:57
1988 Dublin 02:50:03 01:37:08 00:13:03 00:40:29 00:10:39 01:47:47 02:00:50 02:41:19
1987 Brussels 02:56:37 01:43:06 00:08:29 00:39:51 00:12:26 01:55:32 02:04:01 02:43:52
1986 Bergen 02:41:38 01:29:41 00:12:02 00:39:04 00:10:43 01:40:24 01:52:26 02:31:30
1985 Gothenburg 02:45:18 01:25:28 00:10:00 00:47:41 00:12:23 01:37:51 01:47:51 02:35:32
1984 Luxembourg 02:12:34 01:13:33 00:10:01 00:32:22 00:07:02 01:20:35 01:30:36 02:02:58
1983 Munich 03:00:20 01:34:37 00:12:26 00:50:28 00:15:20 01:49:57 02:02:23 02:52:51
1982 Harrogate 02:11:12 01:15:50 00:08:38 00:27:35 00:09:10 01:25:00 01:33:38 02:01:13
1981 Dublin 02:31:02 01:23:56 00:11:15 00:38:17 00:08:01 01:31:57 01:43:12 02:21:29
1980 The Hague 02:16:29 01:16:12 00:08:13 00:32:29 00:08:15 01:24:27 01:32:40 02:05:09
1979 Jerusalem 02:56:05 01:24:42 00:18:42 00:49:01 00:12:40 01:37:22 01:56:04 02:45:05
1978 Paris 02:25:04 01:22:45 00:12:20 00:30:01 00:11:39 01:34:24 01:46:44 02:16:45
1977 London 02:11:04 01:15:08 00:09:10 00:32:07 00:07:02 01:22:10 01:31:20 02:03:27
1976 The Hague 02:10:20 01:14:27 00:09:54 00:26:49 00:09:08 01:23:35 01:33:29 02:00:18
1975 Stockholm 02:11:33 01:14:18 00:09:06 00:30:26 00:09:25 01:23:43 01:32:49 02:03:15
1974 Brighton 01:48:15 01:06:55 00:09:47 00:15:58 00:06:48 01:13:43 01:23:30 01:39:28
1973 Luxembourg 01:40:18 00:59:30 00:10:02 00:18:28 00:04:39 01:04:09 01:14:11 01:32:39
1972 Edinburgh 01:43:52 01:03:18 00:08:54 00:17:23 00:06:44 01:10:02 01:18:56 01:36:19
1971 Dublin 01:44:58 01:02:11 00:09:16 00:19:59 00:05:22 01:07:33 01:16:49 01:36:48
1970 Amsterdam 01:12:59 00:43:22 00:07:08 00:10:53 00:05:21 00:48:43 00:55:51 01:06:44
1969 Madrid 01:45:25 00:51:42 00:07:28 00:21:21 00:04:43 00:56:25 01:03:53 01:25:14
1968 London 01:37:05 00:57:14 00:08:46 00:18:14 00:04:38 01:01:52 01:10:38 01:28:52
1967 Vienna 01:46:44 01:05:02 00:00:37 00:21:23 00:08:26 01:13:28 01:14:05 01:35:28
1966 Luxembourg 01:26:57 00:54:35 00:08:33 00:12:42 00:04:00 00:58:35 01:07:08 01:19:50
1965 Naples 01:37:29 01:08:27 00:02:23 00:12:41 00:05:32 01:13:59 01:16:22 01:29:03
1964 Copenhagen 01:32:45 00:58:39 00:09:37 00:13:27 00:06:07 01:04:46 01:14:23 01:27:50
1963 London 01:33:33 00:54:27 00:07:23 00:16:09 00:06:33 01:01:00 01:08:23 01:24:32
1962 Luxembourg 01:23:45 00:51:45 00:07:40 00:12:42 00:03:45 00:55:30 01:03:10 01:15:52
1961 Cannes 01:34:08 00:56:43 00:06:16 00:17:35 00:07:09 01:03:52 01:10:08 01:27:43
1960 London 01:19:30 00:49:43 00:01:27 00:13:14 00:07:02 00:56:45 00:58:12 01:11:26
1959 Cannes 01:12:22 00:37:51 00:01:29 00:13:34 00:06:23 00:44:14 00:45:43 00:59:17
1958 Hilversum 01:14:45 00:46:27 00:03:35 00:13:45 00:01:49 00:48:16 00:51:51 01:05:36
1957 Frankfurt 01:07:41 00:43:23 00:02:09 00:09:56 00:02:55 00:46:18 00:48:27 00:58:23
1956 Lugano 01:20:27 01:02:58 00:04:34 00:00:00 00:04:01 01:06:59 01:11:33 01:11:33

Duration of show: Without Eurovision-Hymn

Duration of songs: Difference between end of last song and begin of first song

Duration of interval: Difference between begin of voting and end of last song

Duration of voting: Difference between announcement last points of last voting and first points of first voting

Begin first song: First tone of the song without introduction, postcard or similar

End first song: Last tone of the song

Begin first voting: Announcement of first point(s)

End first voting: Announcement of last point(s)

All times are approximate times. Recordings vary because of e.g.
- shorten interval due to copyright restrictions
- replacement of performance and cut moderation due to disruption of a performance

All columns are sortable.

Terms (Impressum und Datenschutz)